61 Pelican Road Project
Mission of the project
I am Joseph Poles and I live at 61 Pelican Road behind you with my wife, Kate, and our 4 kids ranging from 4 to 10 years old. We are planning to do an addition to our house and garage to accommodate our family. When I moved into the house in 2015, we had 1 child…and now we have 4 kids and not enough bedrooms or places to store all the stuff the kids come with!
We are very active in the community with multiple organizations and hope to be able to get this project moving so we can continue to be centered here in Quincy for the long haul.
We are applying for a building permit for both the house addition and a renovation of our current 2 car garage and I wanted to stop by your house to give you a heads up as we start the permitting process.
For the house, we intend to make it a full 2nd floor and add a pitched roof 3rd floor to increase our total bedrooms from 3 (currently) to 5 with an additional bathroom. We are also looking to add a mudroom on the first floor back entrance to give us more storage space for jackets and other items.
For the garage, we intend to replace the currently broken and leaking roof and raise it up a few feet to accommodate more dry storage. We are also looking to add a covered porch on the side in our current underutilized paved area.
I have included a copy of our plans (house and garage) and some renderings we made which should show what we intend to do. We do not think this project is out of the ordinary and will help spruce up the property. We are using a contractor who has experience in this type of renovation and has done this numerous times in our Adams Shore neighborhood.
Please review this information and let me know if you have any questions at all. You can reach me at 61pelican@gmail.com
Contact [61pelican@gmail.com] to get more information on the project